Child Emotional Maltreatment

Select an item below to view the complete question.

The fear or anxiety caused or exacerbated by the incident or pattern of incidents:

  1. extremely impacted the overall level of functioning
  2. highly impacted the overall level of functioning
  3. somewhat impacted the overall level of functioning
  4. did not impact the overall level of functioning

The psychological symptoms caused or exacerbated by the incident or pattern of incidents (for example, anxiety, depression, ADHD, behavioral problems):

  1. extremely impacted the overall level of functioning
  2. highly impacted the overall level of functioning
  3. somewhat impacted the overall level of functioning
  4. did not impact the overall level of functioning

The somatic symptoms caused or exacerbated by the incident or pattern of incidents: 

  1. extremely impacted the overall level of functioning
  2. highly impacted the overall level of functioning
  3. somewhat impacted the overall level of functioning
  4. did not impact the overall level of functioning

Given the acts, the child’s level of functioning, and the risk and resilience factors present, which probability fits best?

  1. The child will be incredibly lucky to not develop a psychiatric disorder
  2. The child will be very lucky to not develop a psychiatric disorder
  3. The child will be lucky to not develop a psychiatric disorder
  4. The child will not develop a psychiatric disorder

Given the acts, the child’s level of functioning, and other contextual factors, which probability fits best?

  1. The child will be incredibly lucky to not have significant cognitive impairments.
  2. The child will be very lucky to not have significant cognitive impairments.
  3. The child will be lucky to not have significant cognitive impairments.
  4. The child will not develop significant cognitive impairments.

The act(s) or pattern of acts impacted:

  1. extremely impacted the child’s functioning (psychological, cognitive, social)
  2. highly impacted the child’s functioning (psychological, cognitive, social)
  3. somewhat impacted the child’s functioning (psychological, cognitive, social)
  4. did not impact the child’s functioning (psychological, cognitive, social)

The act(s) or pattern of acts impacted:

  1. is extremely likely to impact the child’s development (psychological, cognitive, social)
  2. is highly likely to impact the child’s development (psychological, cognitive, social)
  3. is somewhat likely to impact the child’s development (psychological, cognitive, social)
  4. will not impact the child’s development (psychological, cognitive, social)